24 gennaio 2024


E sempre al Roulette sono in programma a partire da domani tre serate organizzate da John Zorn in ricordo di Derek Bailey (1930-2005) dal titolo Improv Nights 2024, con la partecipazione di un gran numero di musicisti nello spirito delle celebri Company Week. Un modo anche per raccogliere qualche soldo per arginare il recente danno subìto dalla Tzadik con il fallimento della Limited Run, sua compagnia distributrice.

Scrive Zorn: "Derek Bailey was a dear friend and mentor, whose passion for pure improvisation inspired generations of musicians from a wide variety of backgrounds. For these three nights we return to the Improv Night tradition that began as benefits for The Stone, and that have been, in many ways, inspired by Derek Bailey’s legendary Company Weeks. Each evening will present a rotating kaleidoscope of master improvisers - including Ikue Mori, Wendy Eisenberg, Dave Douglas, Sean Ono Lennon, Peter Evans, Kalia Vandever, Miles Okazaki, and many others - who will then divide into smaller improvisational units, each concert promising a unique and exciting experience. Please join us in this heartfelt tribute to the art of improvisation, to the ever-thriving, ever-expanding Downtown Scene, and to the spirit of Derek Bailey and Company. Limited Run, the online distributor for Tzadik’s direct-to-consumer mail order projects has declared bankruptcy owing the label $70,000. To help rebalance this loss these kind musicians have generously offered to make these three concerts benefits for Tzadik. Please come, donate, and help Tzadik continue its mission to support and document new music in the 21st century."
