25 gennaio 2024


Un omaggio a Derek Bailey lo offre anche Mark Wastell di Confront Recordings, recuperando una registrazione del chitarrista in duo con Simon H. Fell (1959-2020) dell'agosto 2001 già circolata in passato - con il nome The Complete August 15th 2001, appunto - ma proposta ora con audio migliorato e rinnovata veste: At Sound 323.

Ne scrisse all'epoca Andy Hamilton: "Fell and Bailey goad each other into some of the most impassioned playing I've heard from either artist. The opening is explosive, with sonic shards and fragments flying across the sound stage, the two instruments at times indistinguishable in the sound mass. The later part of the track yields some respite, with arco bass and gentle atonal guitar lines - 'insect music' maybe - but the overall tenor is muscular and intense. The antagonists show no signs of flagging in their search for new instrumental sonorities - at one point I could have sworn there was a dog yelping in there..."