23 gennaio 2024


Ha dovuto essere rinviato qualche settimana fa per più di un motivo, ma ora è pronto per il debutto al Roulette il nuovo atteso lavoro della grande Shelley Hirsch, commissionato proprio dal benemerito centro d'arte newyorkese. Si potrà seguirlo stasera in diretta streaming (o ritrovarlo poi su YT): si intitola And So it Was And Was and WaAAassSSssSss.

Born and raised in East New York Brooklyn, Shelley Hirsch has been pushing boundaries with her unique vocal art drawing on her life experiences, her memory, and her vivid imagination for decades. She has presented her compositions, staged multimedia works, improvisations, radio plays, installations, and collaborations in concert halls, clubs, festivals, theaters, museums, galleries, and on radio, film, and television on five continents. The celebrated composer and vocal artist/performer returns to Roulette to present her new NYSCA-commissioned work, And So it Was And Was and WaAAassSSssSss: a night of compositions, improvisations, and texts anchored by her automatic writings generated in response to musical experiences. The texts are empathic, provocative, erotic, surreal, and based on both true and imaginary events with themes that contrast in focus, humor, timbre, arrangements, and emotion. 
