23 agosto 2022


Elliott Sharp avvia tramite SubStack un'iniziativa di dialogo e di condivisione di materiali collegati a temi e argomenti a suo tempo esposti nel libro IrRational Music (Terra Nova, 2019) e naturalmente alle esperienze prodotte sul campo nel corso di una carriera lunga oltre quarant'anni: Translations From The IrRational.

"Over the years I've tried to refine and develop my creative output in various ranges of the spectrum: improvising on guitars, reeds, electronics; composing long-form and chamber works for ensembles ranging from full orchestras to solo instruments, creating and directing operas, developing a language for graphic notation; inventing and building musical instruments; writing accounts of activities that I've participated in; engaging in philosophical extrapolation on consciousness and the nature of mind and creativity; and finally, rants and discussions on historical and political issues of the day.

My posts on SubStack will touch upon all of these topics and more. I hope to engage in dialog with you, the readers, as well as presenting my own output. Besides writing, the output may include musical recordings and scores, videos, new graphic notations, and images from the always porous border between art and life (plus some surprises!)."