22 agosto 2022


Altra antica perla che Corbett vs. Dempsey ha voluto recuperare in cd è Chirps, l'incontro di Steve Lacy con Evan Parker, entrambi al sax soprano, registrato dal vivo al Summer Music berlinese del luglio 1985. L'album uscì in cd già nel 1991, in un'edizione arricchita di un quarto d'ora di ulteriori cinguettii notturni catturati dopo concerto, ma questa ripristina la versione originale Fmp-Saj del 1986.

What could possibly happen when two ultimate masters of soprano saxophone square off for their only recording of duets? Chirps is the only place to find out. Steve Lacy – the one who planted the flag for soprano saxophone in the ground of modern jazz, who established its iconic status, who devoted himself to the axe with monkish devotion, who brought shakuhachi breath and stairstep melody into its upper-register antics. Evan Parker – arguably the one who pushed the instrument the furthest post-Coltrane, the technical marvel, the polyphonist, the one willing to immerse in the instrument’s harshest environs and find things of radiant beauty. Performed in Berlin at the Haus am Waldsee in July, 1985, it was every bit the chamber concert - super intimate and interactive, gorgeously recorded by FMP’s Jost Gebers in an ideal acoustic room.