24 agosto 2022


Se, come si dice, il buongiorno si vede dal mattino, prepariamoci pure alla buonanotte...

Inspired by the music and life of Robert Wyatt, ​Rock Bot­tom is a self-destruc­tive love sto­ry between Bob and Alif, a young cou­ple of artists immersed in the cre­ative whirl­wind of the ear­ly 70s hip­pie cul­ture. Drugs will turn a pas­sion­ate sum­mer into a night­mare in a jour­ney through the themes of Wyatt’s music: the eupho­ria and anguish of artis­tic cre­ation, the uncon­scious fas­ci­na­tion with drugs, the dis­en­chant­ment with rou­tine and phys­i­cal and men­tal degradation.