03 marzo 2024


Chiude oggi a Monaco di Baviera la mostra Meredith Monk. Calling, aperta lo scorso novembre al museo d'arte contemporanea Haus der Kunst con dovizia di materiali per la conoscenza, lo studio e l'approfondimento del singolare universo creativo dell'artista newyorkese, con percorsi guidati di carattere interdisciplinare e multisensoriale arricchiti in un paio di occasioni da concerti in sede (assieme a Katie Geissinger e Allison Sniffin, componenti del suo celebre Vocal Ensemble), interviste pubbliche e proiezioni di film (in particolare Paris, Turtle Dreams, Ellis Island e Book of Days). Ne ha parlato la protagonista stessa in un breve contributo affidato a YT; ora la mostra si trasferisce ad Amsterdam fino a metà aprile, nell'ambientazione della storica Oude Kerk.

Meredith Monk. Calling is the most comprehensive survey to date of the celebrated American artist, presenting works from across the last six decades. Monk (b. 1942, New York City) seamlessly works across disciplines - pushing the boundaries of music, theatre, dance, video and installation - while at the core, continuously exploring the evocative power and dimensionality of the human voice. She is considered a groundbreaking figure in site-specific performance, while her interdisciplinary approach has had a significant influence on subsequent generations of artists and performers. While Monk is widely recognised in the worlds of music and theatre, the exhibition at Haus der Kunst is the first exhibition in Europe dedicated to her immersive work. The show presents major works from her oeuvre as multi-sensorial, innovative installations, embracing the cross-disciplinary way in which she has worked throughout her career.
