14 luglio 2023


Kate Westbrook invita tutti ad ammirare sul web la sua nuova galleria di dipinti, olii, carboncini e acquarelli: Summer 2023.

Kate’s personal, visual language continues to evolve. Whatever the medium, in her work she is constantly balancing abstract values and figurative content. 2005 saw the beginning of a series inspired by nearby Dartmoor. From 2014, prompted by Gainsborough’s treatment of the subject, Kate generated a large body of work exploring the classical myth of Diana and Actæon. Kate’s preoccupation with Diana and Actæon reached a conclusion in 2020 with The Lockdown Charcoals. As lockdown continued, images closer to home took over:- she made personal and day-to-day work centred round the theme Writing the Song. Summer 2023 finds new vistas opening up in Kate’s work: the architectural spaces of town and city, and the Villains and Saints who dwell there.
