15 luglio 2023


Dal canto suo Mike Westbrook invita tutti a prender nota dei prossimi appuntamenti dal vivo, intanto a Torquay e a Londra entro l'estate ma poi ancora nel corso dell'autunno: saranno l'occasione per festeggiare i quarant'anni del suo glorioso Trio, quello - amatissimo - con Kate e Chris Biscoe. Con un'idea ancora una volta unica e speciale: Band of Bands.

Band of Bands brings together key musicians from Mike and Kate Westbrook’s many small-scale projects. Joining the Trio of Kate, Mike and saxophonist Chris Biscoe, are four long-time alumni,- accordionist Karen Street, saxophonist/clarinettist Pete Whyman, Marcus Vergette on bass and Coach York on drums. Formed in 1982 the Trio is the longest established and most widely travelled of all Mike’s ensembles. The group’s mix of composition, song and improvisation has been at the heart of many Westbrook projects, from the seminal Brass Band of the ‘70s to the current Uncommon Orchestra. The unique repertoire around which the performance of the Band of Bands is based, has been shaped by the experience of touring and of collaborating with artists in many countries. There are re-creations of Westbrook classics alongside new compositions, and arrangements of some lesser known standards, all interpreted by some of the UK’s most original and distinctive soloists.
