05 settembre 2022


Ci è voluto l'impegno di Mark Wastell di Confront Recordings per permettere ai nastri di Contra Costa Dance di vedere la luce nella loro forma originale, pur se imperfetta e provvisoria, salvati da un oblio di oltre quarant'anni. Ne è rincuorato l'autore, Duck Baker: "The 1982 demo recordings had been forgotten, and were sitting in a box in Dix Bruce’s garage until he started going through things in early 2021. When I heard the recordings again, I liked the edgy quality in the playing and thought that many of these demo recordings were stronger than the later studio versions. There are also three tunes that I never did rerecord. What later studio recordings would have, of course, was better sound quality, and the fidelity of these demos was further compromised by sitting in storage for so long."
