08 giugno 2022


Dagli archivi privati di Derek Bailey esce per Scatter Domestic Jungle, una curiosa collezione di esercizi chitarristici casalinghi compiuti assieme - e contro - le emissioni notturne di stazioni radio pirata londinesi di inizio anni Novanta votate esclusivamente a jungle e drums 'n' bass. Dall'esperienza sarebbe poi nato, con altre premesse e non piccolo travaglio, l'album Guitar, drums 'n' bass (Avant, 1996) con D.J. Ninj.

Recorded in the 1990s onto cassette by Derek Bailey at home in London, these are private home recordings which were copied (on Derek's frequently idiosyncratic cassette duplicator) and posted out to interested individuals, except for a couple of tracks, which were originally released on David Toop's compilation Guitars on Mars. The collection here comes from two different tapes and the sound quality is - inevitably - wildly variable, but does allow a fascinating and valuable historical insight into a particular period of Derek's domestic practice routine.

Scrive David Toop: "A long, long time ago I had a conversation with Derek Bailey in which he told me had been playing along with local pirate radio stations, specifically the stations specialising in what was then called jungle, later drum 'n' bass. John Zorn was keen to release this material on Avant but wasn't happy about the lo-fi aspect, so a studio version was made. When I was putting together my Guitars On Mars compilation for Virgin in 1997 I wanted to include some of the original recording and Derek happily supplied two extracts. Now, finally, thanks to Liam Stefani and Karen Brookman, these recordings have been made available in their entirety (including the two tracks from Guitars On Mars). Whatever their technical shortcomings, they are thrilling."