09 giugno 2022


Dagli archivi personali di John Tilbury - accessibili in digitale nella sezione download del sito web di ReR Megacorp - proviene l'album Keyboard Studies, ora pubblicato in cd da Another Timbre, che oltre ai due celebri Studies contiene anche Dorian Reeds: tutto frutto di un autentico tour de force eseguito e registrato da Tilbury in un solo giorno ad Amburgo negli anni Novanta (probabilmente).

Terry Riley and John Tilbury are both giants of experimental music. They were friends from the late 1960’s onwards, and John has performed Terry’s Keyboard Studies several times in concert, as well as recording them for BBC Radio in 1971. However, the recordings on the CD are not the BBC recordings. In fact John can’t remember exactly when the recordings were made, though he thinks they took place in Hamburg, Germany, probably about 30 years ago. He can’t recall the details, except that everything was recorded in one day - which was quite a feat given the amount of over-dubbing in Keyboard Study No.2. What is clear is that John was at the height of his considerable powers at the time the recordings were made.