Quando nel 2004 Nick White scattò una foto all'esterno del Vortex, ritraendo molti dei suoi musicisti più affezionati e cooperativi, stavano per compiersi gli ultimi giorni del celebre club londinese presso l'amata sede in Church Street a Stoke Newington. Vi avrebbe fatto seguito un anno di dolorosa inattività, ma poi il Vortex riaprì più in forze che mai in Gillett Square a Dalston, dove tuttora risiede. A vent'anni di distanza è giunto il momento di rinnovare quello scatto fotografico, dice Oliver Weindling, direttore assieme a Colin Daly, Jeremy Hill e Alex McGuire di uno dei luoghi sociali e culturali via via divenuto - con immutati, e anzi accresciuti, meriti sulla scena musicale internazionale - tra i più attivi e vivaci dell'intera area. L'invito a tutti i musicisti disponibili è per questo pomeriggio, alle 16.30.
The Vortex Jazz Club is one of the UK’s premier jazz venues, programming almost 400 performances a year in an intimate space. We were winner of the Live Jazz Award category at the 2013 Parliamentary Jazz Awards. As a volunteer-led jazz club in North London, Dalston, we have been given the accolade of being one of the world’s best, and have even been singled out by the prestigious Downbeat magazine as one the top 150 jazz venues in the world. Most of the concerts are programmed by the club itself, exercising a judicious balance between quality and accessibility. This contrasts us with other venues, which just act as places for various outside promoters to use.
For years, the club has been serving as a platform for jazz, improvised and experimental music. Our mission is to support ‘jazz’ in some of its various forms, bringing the music to a wider audience while nurturing new and emerging talent through innovative programming that recognises the continuity as well as development of the art form. It is our wish to promote the Vortex as a place where stimulating dialogue, creative and entertaining musical performances meet, and demonstrate the value of small independent cultural organizations; volunteer-led; working collaboratively while making an important contribution to the cultural life of the local area and its economy.