09 marzo 2024


Duncan Heining racconta a Klemen Breznikar di It’s Psychedelic Baby la nascita e l'evoluzione del suo splendido volume And Did Those Feet... Six British Jazz Composers dedicato alla vita e alle opere di Michael Garrick, Mike Gibbs, Barry Guy, John Mayer, Keith Tippett e Mike Westbrook, pubblicato qualche mese fa da Jazz in Britain. Con un cenno anche al doppio cd antologico che ne ha accompagnato le prime cinquecento copie, divenuto inevitabilmente oggetto esso stesso di culto e ammirazione.

As a seasoned jazz historian and writer, Duncan Heining brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to this project. His meticulous research and deep understanding of the cultural and artistic landscapes of the 1960s provide the backdrop against which these six composers emerged and flourished. Through approximately 20,000 words dedicated to each artist, Heining paints vivid portraits of their lives, influences, and contributions to the jazz world.

The genesis of this book arose from Heining’s recognition of the challenges inherent in producing individual biographies for each composer. Instead, he conceived the idea of crafting a single volume that would do justice to their rich and varied careers. In doing so, he not only celebrates the remarkable talents of these musicians but also ensures that their stories are preserved and honored for future generations. Accompanying the book is a companion album curated by Jazz In Britain, featuring rare and previously unreleased recordings selected to complement Heining’s biographies. These musical offerings provide a sonic counterpart to the written narratives, enriching the reader’s understanding of each composer’s distinctive style and evolution.

In essence, And Did Those Feet… is a testament to the enduring significance of these British jazz composers. Through Heining’s meticulous scholarship and impassioned storytelling, their voices are amplified, ensuring that their contributions to the jazz canon are not only remembered but celebrated for years to come.
