26 febbraio 2024


In ricordo di Alan Tomlinson (1947-2024) Scatter diffonde altri due suoi inediti dal vivo, dopo i precedenti Baggage and Boating, at the Red Rose e at Ryan's Bar pubblicati tutti nel giro di pochi giorni: London 1989 + LMC 1979, in duo con uno dei suoi amici e partner preferiti, Roger Turner, più un paio di brani del London Musicians Collective quasi ai suoi esordi, e Oto, in quartetto con Sandy Ewen, Arthur Bull e di nuovo Turner.

The trombonist Alan Tomlinson, who died on 13 February, was a major figure in the world of free improvised music. He became involved in free improvisation and experimental music in the early 1970s. He played with John Stevens’ Away and Tony Oxley’s Angular Apron and, around the same time, was a member of the Portsmouth Sinfonia (he appears in the trombone section on their 1974 album, Hallelujah). He also played with Barry Guy’s London Jazz Composers’ Orchestra and Keith Tippett’s Celebration Orchestra. His first solo album, Still Outside, came out in 1981. In the same year he appeared on Pete Brötzmann’s album, Alarm. He has appeared on numerous albums since and Scatter Archive in particular are still curating and issuing recordings of his work. Tomlinson was not only involved in the free improvisation scene: he also worked in the field of contemporary classical music. He was part of New London Winds and Sounds Positive, a contemporary music group which commissioned over sixty works from British composers as well as doing educational work in schools and colleges. He performed works by Vinko Globokar, Xenakis and Berio, among others. Several composers have written works for him. His death is felt not only in the world of free improvisation but across the wider musical community, too.
