12 gennaio 2024


Frith si incontra stasera a Barcelona con Tim Hodgkinson, Chris Cutler e Annemarie Roelofs per un nuovo capitolo Henry Now, annunciato da tempo e presentato con ardore ('música inqualificable oberta a la transformació') nell'ambito dei festeggiamenti per i 25 anni della magnifica sede dell'Auditori, senza gli equivoci artatamente ingenerati in occasione del primissimo episodio: "At a time when scores of bands are reappearing from the past to cash in on nostalgia, we can be grateful that three of the original members of Henry Cow (Fred Frith, Tim Hodgkinson and Chris Cutler) and one of their latest collaborators (Annemarie Roelofs) have reunited without looking back. The ‘Now’ in the band’s name marks a preventive distance against any temptation to return to the past, which would go against the logic pronounced by one of the most adventurous and groundbreaking British experimental rock groups. Indescribable and contemporary music open to the permanent transformation of open improvised music. Nobody should expect a revival. The only thing they’ve brought from the past is their principles."