Un pochino a che fare con i Gong - ma solo nella scelta del nome - ebbe anche la formazione che vide protagonisti tra l'estate e l'autunno del 1990 Richard Sinclair e Hugh Hopper assieme a Mark Hewins, Vince Clarke e Andy Ward: Going Going. Un loro concerto londinese dell'ottobre di quell'anno, a Brixton, è ora su Bandcamp.
1990 was a very busy year for Sinclair: Hatfield and the North reformed (with Sophia Domancich replacing Dave Stewart) for a one-off TV show on the private Central Television channel; Caravan did the same (with Jimmy Hastings now augmenting the quartet on a permanent basis), although they remained together for subsequent series of gigs. And Sinclair reunited with Hugh Hopper in the shortlived Going Going, which also featured Mark Hewins on guitar-synthesizer, Andy Ward on drums and Vince Clark on percussion. The live repertoire of this band included Sinclair's songs from the then unreleased Hopper-Sinclair album, Caravan classics, an original Hewins instrumental ("Led It Lay") and covers of two Soft Machine classics, "Hope For Happiness" and "We Did It Again." Going Going was the precursor to Caravan Of Dreams, which consisted of Richard Sinclair on vocals and bass, Mark Hewins on guitar and Andy Ward on drums.