08 ottobre 2023


Nuovo album super-chitarristico di Eugene Chadbourne, figlio in parte della magnifica serie giornaliera Head of BooksI Looked Like a Hippy, in 3 cd su Weird Cry Records.

Ne parla lo stesso Chadbourne in una recente intervista con Dominic Ivron per International Times: "Head of Books began during covid, I had no idea how long it would go on and was used to having much of my musical creative output tied into touring and associated recording projects. The Small Business Administration helped me stay afloat and gave me money to invest in my business. The challenge was how to continue to create prolifically and what to do with it? There was an initial burst of buying sprees as people stuck in their houses began listening to the box sets they bought years ago and thought about what other material they might want. But obviously that could not continue any longer. I wondered about what it would be like to have a subscription series but went for something that would be done every day: I was interested in building up an inventory of solos that would also be used as individual parts of a guitar orchestra. The first results of that process is a three CD set of guitar orchestrations entitled I Looked Like a Hippie. It was important that the series not cost money to produce as I was unsure how much would come in as contributions from subscribers. So basically the expense is $12 a monthly for a WeTransfer pro account which also gets used for all kinds of things. One very regular Italian subscriber more than pays for this and in the beginning I got some very large contributions, not so much these days but I never know when someone just decides to put money in my mailbox, that is nice."