06 settembre 2023


Se per stavolta le musiche di Mike Westbrook non possono risuonare a Torquay - e mannaggia al covid! - lo faranno certamente domani a Nottingham, al Bonington Theatre, con il concerto di Chris Biscoe con Mike Outram, Kate Williams, Dave Whitford e Jon Scott, quintetto titolare dello splendido Music Is.

Multi-reed player Chris Biscoe has worked and toured with Mike and Kate Westbrook since 1979 and knows their music intimately. Mike Westbrook has a huge body of work, with characterful influential compositions whose performances range across small band jazz, through big bands, cabaret, fusion, chamber works - and creative re-workings of The Beatles’ Abbey Road. Chris pays homage to his long-term musical associates in his new album Music Is whose underlying simple idea is to rework some of the ‘magnum opus’ Westbrook pieces for a small jazz group, as you might an Ellington, Monk or Gershwin song.