E pubblicazione preziosissima è quella curata proprio da Duncan Heining per Jazz in Britain, And Did Those Feet…, dedicata alla vita e alle opere di sei tra i più importanti protagonisti del jazz britannico, Michael Garrick, Mike Gibbs, Barry Guy, John Mayer, Keith Tippett e Mike Westbrook. Il libro - accompagnato da un esclusivo doppio cd contenente registrazioni rare o inedite, tra cui una perla westbrookiana d'epoca The Cortège - uscirà ufficialmente il prossimo 19 ottobre, data di compleanno dell'autore, ma lo si può richiedere già ora presso il sito dell'etichetta.
Scrive Heining: "The idea for this collection of profiles of British jazz composers came about for two reasons. Firstly, several people involved in the British jazz scene had proposed separately that I might write biographies on three of the artists featured in And Did Those Feet…. Much though each one deserved their own full biography, I felt unable to oblige. Given the state of this small corner of the publishing industry, any such book would be unlikely to sell in sufficient quantities to warrant the outlay of money, time and resources that would be involved. That said, it occurred to me that a series of detailed career retrospectives on each of these subjects in a single volume might at least do some justice to their rich and varied careers in British jazz. Moreover, such a book would not preclude others picking up the mantle later and producing specific biographies on any of these major figures in the music. The second reason arose from my realisation that the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of Ian Carr’s seminal Music Outside (Latimer 1973/Northway 2008) was drawing near. The composers, bandleaders and improvisers Ian discussed, in the main, went on to long and hugely productive careers and it seemed that it was high time to look again at the work of several of those artists in depth. Additionally, these musicians have had to chart very different waters from those described by Carr in 1973. One important criterion for inclusion was, therefore, that the artists discussed here had all had careers that stretched into, at least, the late part of the last millennium. The second criteria was that we would focus on musicians, who were both band-leaders and composers."