Omaggio a Iannis Xenakis (1922-2001) nel lavoro prodotto per il centenario della sua nascita dal quartetto ad hoc Minus X di Elliott Sharp con Brandon Lopez, Henry Kaiser e Scott Amendola. Il compositore greco, che era anche ingegnere e architetto, è da sempre una delle figure principali nel pantheon personale di Sharp: "Though weaned on Varese, Hendrix, Trane, Cecil Taylor, Sonny Sharrock, Albert Ayler, Stravinsky, Captain Beefheart, Stockhausen: the universe cracked open for me in 1968 on first hearing the music of Iannis Xenakis, a composer who had captured the glorious chaos of subatomic weather in a cloud chamber, found fibrillating grooves in burning charcoal, the majestic blues of the elliptical arc, and sonified the chaos imbuing the natural order of the universe. While most composers made music with notes, Xenakis transformed pure philosophies into sound. With his experiences as a mathematician and architect equally informing his musical approach, Xenakis manifested these connections in emotive and exciting compositions that made clear the mapping of independent processes to those in sound."