31 agosto 2023


Assente da un po' dalle scene - ma mai troppo lontano dallo sguardo del pubblico, grazie ai contributi video regolarmente pubblicati al canale YT della Cuneiform Records - Henry Kaiser propone un nuovo album tutto chitarristico registrato dal vivo in studio, privo di sovraincisioni e ripensamenti ma pieno zeppo di dediche, invocazioni, ringraziamenti e omaggi ad amici e colleghi musicisti, poeti, attivisti e ambientalisti, tra i quali Liz Sutter, Bija Sass, Paul Plimley, Steffan Basho-Junghans, Michael Rothenberg e David Lindley: Mahalo Nui.

"More than 45 years ago I was one of the earliest adopters of studio rack effects to radically expand my guitars’ expressive capabilities. One inspiration behind this methodology was my love for solo improvisers who sounded like more than a single musician when performing live. Terry Riley, Evan Parker, Cecil Taylor and Derek Bailey were early masters of this. Equally inspiring were my personal heroes of the post-WWII classical composers: Gyorgi Ligeti, Conlon Nancarrow, Iannis Xenakis, Toru Takemitsu, Karlheinz Stockhausen, and Giacinto Scelsi. Today in 2023, I am still inspired to use digital time-domain and pitch effects to make my guitars sound like things from beyond what guitar has been before. Many of the tracks on this CD (all of them recorded live and without overdubbing) exemplify the multiplicities of this approach to solo guitar. Some of these solos came from my video shows produced for the Cuneiform Records YT page during the pandemic years."
