18 luglio 2023


Sceglie un bell'album del 1996, Versions Jane, per ricordarla in The Blue Moment: Richard Williams, Adieu Jane B.

"The obituaries of Jane Birkin in this morning’s British newspapers mentioned all the obvious stuff - the BBC ban, the handbags - while neglecting to record two salient features of her career in the public eye. One was her extensive campaigning on behalf of many important causes (including the rights of immigrants and refugees, AIDS, abortion rights and climate change). The other was her music. She became a singer through her association with Serge Gainsbourg, who gave her many good songs to sing, filled with his love of daft, clever puns and adroit double entendre. She remained faithful to them long after she and Gainsbourg had ceased to be a couple, and five years after his death in 1991 she made an album called Versions Jane, the title indicating its theme: a desire to find her own approaches to his songs."