23 luglio 2023


Phil Howitt ha seguito uno dei tre concerti che gli Hatfield and the Health hanno tenuto pochi giorni fa a Londra e St Leonards by the Sea. Ne scrive diffusamente al suo blog, riportando quanto detto da Nick Allum, Simon Thorpe e Eric Baumgartner a proposito delle vicende del gruppo - le distanze geografiche, la pandemia, il lavoro a distanza e le prime uscite dal vivo, l'amore per i nomi storici della cosiddetta 'scuola di Canterbury', anche un inizialissimo contatto con Jonathan Coe - e delle intenzioni per il futuro.

"Hatfield and the Health, as the name might suggest, play a set largely consisting of Hatfield and the North and National Health tracks alongside those by Matching Mole and Caravan, and consist of the classic instrumentation (bass, guitar, keyboards, drums) of all four bands, here crucially augmented by a variety of wind instruments from Karen Sharp. Bass player Simon Thorpe is the natural frontman, and in addition to replicating effortlessly a whole host of meandering basslines, sings a significantly large number of classic ‘songs’ from the Richard Sinclair canon, including ‘Winter Wine’, ‘Share It’, ‘Golf Girl’ and ‘Halfway Between Heaven and Earth’ as well as National Health’s ‘Binoculars’ and Matching Mole’s ’O Caroline’. A confident enough statement given that Richard Sinclair’s voice is arguably unsurpassable, but these tracks are beautifully and tightly performed and provide an instant hook-in for the Canterbury converted."
