09 ottobre 2022


Il nuovo album di Bob Drake infatti ora è pronto, e lo si può ottenere sia in cd (da ReR) sia in digitale (via Bandcamp): Legendary Lore of the Holy Wells of England. Per i più curiosi, sul web si riesce a trovare anche il libro da cui provengono, adattati e modificati, in gran parte i testi: "Once I finished writing the music in early June 2022 and had no clear idea for a lyric theme, I considered doing wordless singing, but that didn't feel like the right approach; a lyric idea came along, when I chanced upon a book published in 1893 by one Robert Charles Hope. Needless to say, if you know even a little about my interests and tastes, this book was right up my street, and it was immediately clear that it was perfect lyric material for the suite. Many of the entries describing a particular spring or well might be just a few sentences long, some quite strange and mysterious, many end with something along the lines of: "This spring has long been forgotten", or had been destroyed by railway, or otherwise long neglected or filled up, which added a certain wistful feeling to it all. (On the other hand, I looked up many of the springs and wells mentioned, and several do still exist). It was such a thrill and the perfect material, it took literally just a couple of hours to select the texts to fit the pieces, and set them to the existing melodies."
