10 settembre 2022


Tra gli appuntamenti più attesi nel vasto calendario di Radio Art Zone, la maratona multiartistica di 100 giorni ideata per il medium radiofonico da Sarah Washington e Knut Aufermann, c'è quello odierno con Caroline Kraabel e John Edwards e una ventina di musicisti ospiti, ventidue ore di ascolto ininterrotto a partire dalle 14.00 di oggi fino a domani a ora di pranzo con una valanga di interviste, conversazioni e registrazioni accompagnate da due concerti in presenza nel pomeriggio a Esch-sur-Alzette (Lussemburgo). Con alcune questioni ben poste sul tema prescelto, quello del rapporto tra improvvisazione reale e improvvisatori.

"Exploring improvisation and identity: even the world of improvised music can be experienced as an enclave that excludes, despite the perceived association of improvisation with limitlessness and freedom. How do people who improvise feel and think differently from each other on the subject? How do we avoid - or alter - any dominance of particular groups over the theory or practice of improvisation? Does the experimental nature of improvisation make it easier for members of élites to shine in the field, because they have more pre-existing socio-cultural capital that validates their experiments? Or is improvisation easier for outsiders who are already primed to find alternative paths? How are improvisers affected by their musical and cultural histories? For improvisers who have experienced forms of oppression in music making and/or life, is the aim when making music merely to recapitulate existing power structures, but try to place themselves at the top, or to create new and fairer structures?"