14 agosto 2022


Kate Westbrook inaugura oggi a Modbury, nel Devon, presso la Brownston Gallery - che proprio con lei aprì i battenti dieci anni fa - la collezione con i suoi dipinti del periodo più recente, segnato dal lockdown, intitolata Writing the Song. La presenta lei stessa: "Over the past decade my subject as a painter has been the Classical one of the nude in a landscape. The landscape has been Dartmoor and the figures the mythical Diana and Actæon. With the recent pandemic my focus necessarily changed. During lockdown the activities of daily life filled my horizons. For Mike and for me the orbit of our lives became home and our immediate surroundings in South Devon. Looking for the larger meaning in small things, I started a series of oils and watercolours I have called Writing the Song. When young, I trained as a painter and music came later in my life. The two disciplines inform one another and both are central to me. These most recent paintings have uncovered a new seam, and the journey is just beginning."