20 agosto 2022


Chi invece ha Karlsruhe nel suo itinerario probabilmente ha già appreso che le attese presentazioni di God in 3 Persons dei Residents previste per il 10 e 11 settembre prossimi sono state annullate, causa complicazioni legate al Covid. Ai fan delusi il videoartista John Sanborn - autore della messa in scena e dell'apparato multimediale dell'opera - offre una visita guidata personalmente alla sua mostra Between Order and Entropy allestita nella stessa sede dove dovevano svolgersi i tre concerti, il centro d'arte ZKM.

We deeply regret to inform you that the performances of The Residents’ God in 3 Persons at ZKM Karlsruhe, scheduled for September 10th and 11th, have been cancelled. This is due to a cascading series of Covid related issues that make these performances impossible to present at this time. After serious exploration of possible options that would make the shows possible, Grand Chess, The Cryptic Corporation and ZKM Karlsruhe were unable to find satisfactory solutions, and were left with no choice but to call them off. While this decision is heartbreaking news for everyone involved - producers, artists and fans - a mutual desire to present the best shows possible, under safe and responsible conditions, prevailed. We appreciate your support and the producers and The Cryptic Corporation hope that God in 3 Persons can be presented in Europe to everyone’s gratification at a future date, when conditions improve.
