08 agosto 2022


E' dedicato a Ikue Mori l'episodio di questo mese della pregevole serie in podcast The Roulette Tapes: si intitola Electric Fairy Tales, e comprende estratti da alcuni suoi concerti presentati assieme a vari collaboratori nel celebre centro d'arte newyorkese tra il 1997 e il 2019.

The atmospheric sounds of composer, drummer, electronic percussionist, and media artist Ikue Mori, an innovative and influential figure in the global experimental music scene, in solo and collaborative works, compositions based on fairy tales, and stories of an adventurous career from NoWave punk drummer with legendary band DNA, projects with John Zorn, puppetry and technology, and more. Featuring collaborators Zeena Parkins, Tania Caroline Chen, Okkyung Lee, Sylvie Courvoisier, Jim Black, Arto Lindsay, and Yoshimio. All recorded at Roulette between 1997-2019.