10 luglio 2022


Mike Westbrook offre sul Notice Board un suo ricordo di Matthias Winckelmann (1941-2022), fondatore nel 1971 della celebre etichetta Enja e convinto sostenitore dei progetti westbrookiani - anche quelli più impegnativi, dal punto di vista organizzativo e finanziario - tanto da pubblicarne gli album per tutti gli anni Novanta: Off Abbey Road, le riprese di Bar Utopia e The CortègeThe Orchestra of Smith’s Academy, Glad Day e Chanson Irresponsable. Scrive Mike: "Time spent in Matthias’s company, in Munich, London or at some European festival, was always a great pleasure for Kate and me. We look back on our ten-year collaboration with him as one of the high points in our musical careers. Matthias was a great bear of a man. He viewed the follies and vicissitudes of the jazz world with a world-weary sense of humour. His love of the music never faltered. He was one of those wonderfully romantic fools who not only dream of a better world but actually do something to make it happen. He certainly made things happen for us and for our music."