21 luglio 2022


Mike Westbrook interviene sul Notice Board per porgere omaggio a Barbara Thompson, scomparsa pochi giorni fa, in particolare ricordando della lunga carriera quale leader, compositrice e strumentista - sempre più intrecciata nel corso degli anni con quella del marito, Jon Hiseman - le collaborazioni intraprese nella realizzazione dei propri progetti e quelli di Kate, per esempio Good Friday 1663, Cuff Clout e Turner in Uri.

Scrive Mike: "It might seem that we inhabited completely different musical worlds. In fact we had a great deal in common. We followed each other’s bands and projects over the years, went to each other’s gigs and had many similar stories to tell. When Parkinsons hit we saw its effects and the positive way in which Barbara, and Jon confronted it head on. As she became gradually less able to play, Barbara threw herself into composition. She generated orchestral and choral works, saxophone quartets, a tuba concerto, until she became unable to use the computer. But she never gave up, writing her autobiography, and releasing a retrospective collection of her work on record."

E ancora: "It took not only talent but a great deal of courage and singleness of purpose for a woman to achieve success in the largely misogynistic UK jazz scene of the 60s and 70s. All the more credit to Barbara who won through on sheer merit as saxophonist, band leader and composer. Like Jon, Barbara achieved great public and critical recognition not just in the UK but around the world. For Kate and me it has been a joy and a privilege to have known and worked with such great artists and exceptional people."