01 luglio 2022


AMM e Spontaneous Music Ensemble sono al centro di una speciale iniziativa organizzata tra pochi giorni da David Toop al Cafe Oto londinese per festeggiare i quarant'anni della rivista The Wire. E gli ottanta di Eddie Prévost: The Tao of Amm X The Essence of Sme.

The first issue of The Wire was published in summer 1982. To mark its 40th anniversary, throughout July the magazine is hosting a series of live events in London, Bristol, Brighton, Manchester, Glasgow, Chicago, and online. For this Cafe Oto residency, The Wire’s publisher/director Tony Herrington has assembled a three-part programme based on the editorial philosophy that was encapsulated in the strapline on the cover of that first issue: Jazz, Improvised Music, And…

The first night of the residency is a homage to the continuing influence of two groups that have been crucial to the emergence and development of free improvised music in the UK since the 1960s: AMM and Spontaneous Music Ensemble. The night has been curated by David Toop, a key contributor to The Wire since the 1980s, and will feature David, Steve Beresford, Mandhira de Saram, Elaine Mitchener, Rie Nakajima, Maggie Nicols, Mark Wastell, and Thurston Moore in a three hour improvised performance. The musicians will play in a number of different combinations which will be interspersed with voice recordings of John Stevens, Trevor Watts, Eddie Prévost, Lou Gare, Cornelius Cardew, Derek Bailey, Evan Parker, Victor Schonfield and others speaking about aspects of AMM and SME.