14 giugno 2022


Nell'anniversario della scomparsa dell'amico Hugh Hopper - son già passati tredici anni! - Jeff Sherman sente di poter ora divulgare, con rispetto e massima stima, il lavoro condotto insieme successivamente all'album del 2003, Home. Si intitola 'Branes e lo si trova in digitale tramite Bandcamp.

"Some years ago, I was privileged and fortunate enough to make an album of original music with the legendary Hugh Hopper. Entitled ‘Branes it was inspired by a reading I had been doing about an area of science called ‘M-Brane’ Theory. I had previously worked with Hugh on my second Progressive Ambient CD Home with great results and looked forward to rekindling our working partnership. Working with Hugh was joyful to say the least. He had the kind of mind that always seemed to know what I was going for musically, without a word. Then, sadly he passed in 2009. We in progressive music were shocked and deeply saddened at the loss of our friend. So long story short, this our last album, got shelved for the time being. Over the years I’ve had several offers to release ‘Branes but had always felt a little weird about doing so. Not wanting to appear in any way opportunistic, I waited for “the right time”. And now that time has come. . ."