11 giugno 2022


Si rinnova oggi l'appuntamento con le imperdibili dirette casalinghe di Bob Drake, ultima occasione prima della pausa estiva dedicata ai lavori di completamento di un nuovo album (uno dei due in predicato). Su Twitch a partire dalle 19.00.

"There are two separate solo album ideas percolating currently. One is looking like a "guitar instrumental" album, a bit rock-ey and more in line with the natural progression along the same road as Arx Pilosa - L'Isola dei Lupi - Planets and Animals, only with no singing... the guitar takes the melodies. The other will be very sparse: a suite of pieces about mysterious springs and wells, for organ, piano and voice, composed more in the "modern classical" vein like The Gardens Of Beastley Manor and Suite For Notation Software only very much less busy, and full of quiet and space. Which of the two albums I'll start recording first depends on which one has enough material first, as of this writing, it's leaning towards the latter, and the months of long, hot, quiet Summer days to come seem like just the right time to get going on a calm, quiet and spacious album..."