05 giugno 2022


Un'antologia di brani dal vivo a sostegno delle vittime di guerra in Ucraina: Вони не пройдуть - No Pasaran! La produce la viennese Trost, con il contributo dei musicisti di maggior spicco tra quanti pubblicano per l'etichetta indipendente o le sono vicini, come Sven-Ake Johansson e Alexander von Schlippenbach, Barry Guy e Agusti Fernandez, Peter Brötzmann e il figlio Caspar, ma anche Jim O'Rourke e Joëlle Léandre, oltre naturalmente ai beniamini Gustafsson, Nilssen-Love e Vandermark.

They Shall Not Pass / No Pasaran! Live on planet earth - in the spirit of freedom, peace and solidarity. As we saw the horrible events going on in the Ukraine, we wanted to do something as a label as well beside donating on a personal level. Many (Trost related) artists answered right away and were enthusiastic to participate. The material-collecting and mastering took some time, but sadly it is still an issue and no-one knows how long this despicable war will last. Big thanks to all artists, bookers, venues and helpers involved. All proceeds of this compilation are donated to an artist-run Ukrainian aid organisation helping victims of the war, recommended by Ken Vandermark.
