28 maggio 2022


Con Rhapsody & Filigree giunge a compimento il geniale progetto in quattro volumi cui Brian Woodbury ha voluto dare il titolo Anthems & Antithets, e che presto sarà disponibile anche in un box onnicomprensivo. Lo si può prenotare in sottoscrizione presso ReR Megacorp. Cutler raccomanda senza esitazione anche quest'ultimo capitolo: "The fourth and final volume of Brian’s epic songwriting project, unique in its breadth and ambition. On this volume Brian stretches into complexities of various kinds, knots and - as the title suggests - filigrees which (like Van Dyke Parks) reward repeated listening or make your jaw drop as they cross or combine genres in unexpected ways - or take sudden turns, or skip through passages of instrumental or lyrical brilliance. There’s nothing out there like this. If you like your limits stretched, your expectations undermined and your brain exercised, this is for you. Impressive musicianship throughout from an extraordinary collection of participants (about 38 of them); and beautifully produced."