22 aprile 2022


Costretti dal Covid a rinviare più volte i concerti di Dog Stab! previsti per festeggiare il loro cinquantenario, i Residents sono al momento impegnati a riportare in scena il loro God in 3 Persons, nuovamente nella versione teatrale e filmica concepita con John Sanborn e presentata al MoMa newyorkese un paio d'anni fa, ma stavolta riprendendo integralmente l'album del 1988. Solo due le rappresentazioni pubbliche in programma, più una a porte (quasi) chiuse per produrne una registrazione video: a San Francisco il mese prossimo, al Presidio Theatre.

The Residents’ God in Three Persons is a propulsive and brooding musical about madness. The Residents’ anonymous lead singer performs as disgraced preacher Mr. X, who tells an improbable tale of encounters with a pair of ambiguously gendered conjoined twins, who might be miracle workers. God in 3 Persons confronts audiences with the horrors of losing your soul while attempting to attain perfection. This version will contain all of the songs from the album for the first time, making it the definitive version of the show.

God in 3 Persons is a live video/theater work, adapted by media artist John Sanborn, from The Residents’ groundbreaking 1988 album of the same name. Sanborn also fills the mind’s eye with “hallucinogenic” visuals to take us deep into the disturbed psyche of Mr. X. Anonymous since their 1972 debut, The Residents provide live accompaniment, performing here as a six-piece musical ensemble with a featured vocalist. Renowned gender queer porn star Jiz Lee portrays the twins, seen only on screen. Travis Chamberlain directs the work for the stage with musical direction by Joshua Raoul Brody, sound design by Jake Rodriguez, puppet and prop design by Leigh Barbier. Steve Saporito produces.