31 marzo 2022


Da sempre impegnata sul fronte dei soccorsi a rifugiati, migranti e richiedenti asilo, Caroline Kraabel convoca per domani al Cafe Oto londinese uno speciale ensemble orchestrale di sole donne e persone non binarie per un concerto a supporto dell'emergenza umanitaria in Ucraina, in collaborazione con diverse organizzazioni non governative e vari enti di volontariato internazionale. Con l'esplicita scelta della musica improvvisata collettiva quale metodo e luogo di accoglienza e di rispetto della pluralità e delle differenze: ONe_Orchestra New.

"One exciting thing about improvising as a person who is not a cis-gendered white man is working to find a new musical language, freeing oneself of the default assumptions built up over millennia of domination and oppression... this may produce musics and processes that sound wrong in some ways, or to some ears, but if we can conceive of them and allow ourselves to explore them it opens up novel, important and unfamiliar sound-worlds. Improvising is also a way for us to be together safely in sound, life and communication while we search for these new languages... mutual respect, listening, uttering… knowing when we can be trusted not to listen, learning to listen in new ways... every time one plays there are new ways of hearing, as well as new things to hear. Improvisation is also, by necessity, a big part of just being ‘other’... and otherness (that everyone has somewhere in their heart, in some tiny or huge place) is where we improvise from, because we have little choice but to seek. We don’t want to be granted special privileges from which we’re currently excluded, but to re-make the world so all can be heard."