23 marzo 2022


Guy Segers convoca in presenza e a distanza un folto gruppo di amici e collaboratori - tra cui Carla Diratz, Dirk Descheemaeker, Dave Newhouse, Andy Kirk, Michel Delville e Martin Archer - per un nuovo capitolo, il terzo, della sua Eclectic Maybe Band: Again Alors?

Eclectic Maybe Band is the creation of Guy Segers, a player, composer and producer first prominent as bassist with legendary band Univers Zero, and subsequently active in many live and studio projects. Again Alors? is their third release which brings together detailed studio work with the creativity of real time improvisation. Using different groupings from within a large ensemble cast, which includes many well-known names, Guy has created an album where half the tracks are drawn from live improvisation in the studio and half are created from the ground up with players adding their composed or improvised parts one at a time. In both cases Guy assumes the role of master arranger, taking the improvisations as raw material and sculpting them into finished pieces. This richly detailed new release takes the listener on a journey through rock, jazz, electronic and abstract landscapes packed with detail.
