Peter Stubley è noto come uno tra i migliori e più assidui documentaristi della musica improvvisata inglese ed europea in generale; fin dal suo primo apparire, circa undici anni fa, il sito European Free Improvisation Pages da lui curato è tra le fonti più complete ed aggiornate per studiosi e appassionati di questa scena, riportando con estrema accuratezza storie, biografie, discografie, contributi diretti dei musicisti, segnalazioni e riferimenti ad etichette indipendenti di produzione e distribuzione dei vari materiali. Stubley annuncia oggi che, in segno di lutto per la scomparsa di Bailey, musicista a lui carissimo e personale amico, il sito cesserà ogni pubblicazione per l'intero mese di gennaio 2006. Questo il suo breve e toccante comunicato:
Derek Bailey (1930 - 2005)
Many people will realise that Derek Bailey died early on Christmas Day morning, 25 December 2005. Around 18 months ago he had difficulty holding the plectrum for long periods, at first thought to be carpal tunnel syndrome, but his health gradually deteriorated during 2005 until he was diagnosed with motor neurone disease in October. Throughout all this time he was supported by his wife and co-organiser of Incus, Karen Brookman. He died at home in London. The funeral will be held on Thursday 5 January.
There will be no update to the site during January, as a mark of respect for an indefatiguable and enquiring musician, a remarkable improviser, an innovative guitarist, an unstoppable and witty raconteur and writer, and a very dear friend.
Many people will realise that Derek Bailey died early on Christmas Day morning, 25 December 2005. Around 18 months ago he had difficulty holding the plectrum for long periods, at first thought to be carpal tunnel syndrome, but his health gradually deteriorated during 2005 until he was diagnosed with motor neurone disease in October. Throughout all this time he was supported by his wife and co-organiser of Incus, Karen Brookman. He died at home in London. The funeral will be held on Thursday 5 January.
There will be no update to the site during January, as a mark of respect for an indefatiguable and enquiring musician, a remarkable improviser, an innovative guitarist, an unstoppable and witty raconteur and writer, and a very dear friend.